

At Dunnikier PS we provide homework opportunities and share the children’s learning through 2 platforms: Seesaw (N-P3/4) and Microsoft Teams (P4-7).  You should have received information at the beginning of the session, outlining this to you.  The following outlines this process.


Nursery to P3:


A reading task will be sent home on a Friday, to be returned to school on the Wednesday. There will also be a learning at home idea communicated through Seesaw - responses to this can be posted on Seesaw.


Nursery to P3 share their learning through Seesaw. Look out for a note home in the first few weeks of term 1, telling you how to access and please return the permission slips promptly so that we can get started with sharing your child's journey in nursery and school. At the touch of a button (on your phone, through the App) you will be able to see your child's learning in class. Ideas for extending learning at home can be found here too.


Seesaw Dos and Don’ts

Please do:

  • Comment on your child’s learning.
  • Check for updates from the class teacher.
  • Use it to submit homework for P1-3.
  • Share significant achievements/learning from home
  • Let us know if you can help with Outdoor Learning/Trips and activities.

Please don’t

  • Report absence.
  • Please don’t expect a reply on Seesaw
  • Please don’t use Seesaw to message the class teacher with questions, comments or complaints about incidents/concerns and share personal information. 
  • If you need to get in touch, do so through our contact details at the end of this SWAY



P4 - P7


Microsoft Teams

Class Glow Teams are set up so that children can access their homework online at home. Children know their username and password and have been using this platform in school.


P4-7 Homework

Reading activities children may have work sent home on a weekly on a weekly basis. This will be communicated by individual class teachers. 


For upper school classes, homework will consist of a grid with 12 learning tasks for children to complete over a term. The grid will be set at the beginning of each term and will consist of a number of literacy, numeracy and other curricular areas tasks. Children can access the grid through their Glow Microsoft Teams account under the channel ‘homework’ (see image below). Children have been using Glow and Teams in school and should be familiar with this software and know their login details. Once children compete a task, they can share their work by positing into the homework channel with a saved file e.g. Word Document, photograph of work they have done on paper. Children have the opportunity to bring in homework physically by passing it to their teacher if Teams is not possible. Specific reading homework will remain separate to the grid and will be provided by the class teacher on a more regular basis. This will be shared specifically by your child’s teacher.


If you have any issues accessing any of the above, please contact us for support.